Appropriate vaccination of your Family Pet is an essential element of preventative healthcare for your pet dog,cat or rabbit.
Since the development of vaccinations against diseases such as Parvo, leptospirosis and distemper , we have seen an ever increasing uptake in the use of these vaccines and consequently a dramatic reduction in the number of these nasty diseases that we see.
But unless your pet is correctly vaccinated when young and booster vaccinated yearly there is an increased chance of contracting one of these diseases.
These diseases can often be life threatening, with high mortality rates. If diagnosed, treatment is often intensive and consequently expensive, and in some circumstances there may not be a favourable outcome.
That’s why at Family Vets we strongly advise vaccinating your pet against these preventable diseases and availing of yearly booster vaccinations as immunity from primary vaccination fades over time. Yearly booster vaccination appointments are also an excellent time to have full health check on your pet as a full clinical exam is always carried out at this time.
For more information on everything do with your pet’s vaccinations please visit our website https://familyvets.ie/vaccinations/
Please call us at 0906492623 if you have any queries or click https://familyvets.ie/booking/#appointment-type to book an appointment