Some handy tips to keep your pet out of harms way during the new years celebrations

HAS YOUR DOG BEEN VACCINATED IN THE LAST 15 MONTHS? We appreciate these things can get missed due to busy
Appropriate vaccination of your Family Pet is an essential element of preventative healthcare for your pet dog,cat or rabbit. Since
8:30am - 7pm
8:30am - 7pm
8:30am - 7pm
8:30am - 7pm
8:30am - 7pm
9am - 5pm
Emergency Service only outside of Business Hours
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday 8.30 – 7pm
Saturday – 9am – 5pm
Sunday – Closed
Contact Details:
Phone: (090) 64 92623
Family Vets Athlone
College Lane,
Connaught St, Athlone,
Co. Westmeath,
N37 RK66