As our beloved pets become older they may become slower on their walks, spend more time lying down and find difficulty in getting back up.
This can be a condition called Osteoarthritis where inflammation and swelling can make the simplest tasks such as walking or sitting quite painful. Simple strategies at home can help make your pet feel more comfortable such as providing plenty of bedding to put under your pet to support those painful joints, placing rugs over slippery floors will provide much needed grip for your pet shorter walks, monitor weight gain to ease the strain on their joints.
While these strategies will help provide comfort to your pet, a treatment plan may need to be put in place for pain management.
If you think your pet may be suffering from arthritis you can click on this link https://familyvets.ie/pet-advice-senior-pets/ for more information or give us a call on 0906492623 and we will be happy to arrange a check up for your pet